Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Talking Alien From Jupiter

Everyone wants to raise a little monster that mimics everything that they say and does tricks when you press the appropriate part of their touchscreen room. Don't even try and deny it. You can deny, however, that this game gives you any of this, which is sad when you consider this is what it is advertised to do.

Speaking of advertisements, the banner in the middle of the screen is a bit distracting, but does not take away from the 'play-ability' of this app. What does detract from this is the fact that it tends to crash every 5 to 20 seconds. I only got the alien to repeat what I said once, and it was barely discernible as my charming "Why hello there" sounding coming from my lips.

Assuming you can get this to run with any sense of stability, you will also be treated to a fist full of button functions that allow your little alien to have it's own little freak out moment.  from jumping to running around the border of your screen, whoever put this together did a pretty good job making the rendering of your little alien monster look good.

Recommendation: The good rendering doesn't trump good stability, pass over this one on the Play Store.

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