Thursday, January 31, 2013

Mega Flux

Pipe Dream meets The Matrix meets a horrible accident at a chinese fireworks emporium. MegaFlux offers a great new twist on a classic puzzle game. The crazy symbols representing blondes, redheads, and brunettes float through a grid like tapestry of connections and intersections as you try and make sense of this crazy futuristic world you live in.

The objective is to attach the part of your screen this is spewing out this futuristic code to the color coordinated receptacle. You have to use up all the spaces, and some interesting things can happen if you cross the streams.

I vaguely remember the year when PipeDream came out for the original GameBoy, I believe I lost about 27 hours over a period of a weekend getting lost in that game, I think this is a winning game idea as an evolution to that games concept jacked up with more stimulants then the Yankees starting lineup. It may not be for everyone since, as I said, it is a fairly simple puzzle game at it's heart, but the execution for what this game tried to accomplish came out great.

Recommendation: If you are like me and loved the old school pipe dreams, give this one a try.

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