Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Holy Shiitake

What is in the title of a video game? In Mel's Holy Shiitake Challenge, extremely little. It's a pretty fun order fulfillment game wherein people come into your bistro and sit in what appear to be very low seated tables. while you toss toppings to create a variety of pizza pies with combinations like bacon, olive, and anchovies. Not long into this game you will find yourself having to jump over to your garden to collect additional ingredients with gives this order fulfillment game a leg up over some of it's counterparts.

The other thing that impressed me about this game was a true lack of ads. I recall playing through several days and not seeing any. Perhaps they have some sponsorship from the industries of the off the wall toppings, like chicken legs and hot sauce. Mmmm... thinking about sauce and wings makes me hungry for some Popeye's chicken.... well played Holy Shiitake, well played indeed.

The other fun aspect of this game is to look at the faces of your customers, not only as they get angry and upset as their pizze gets burnt after waiting for what must translate to 4 hours for their bacon and onion pizza, but also to try and tell what celevraties they look like. Is that Linkin Park lead singer Chester Bennington ordering extra peppers on their pie? It might just be!

Recommendation: Get it, but don't play on an empty stomach.

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