Friday, December 28, 2012

Extreme Roadtrip 2

Are you looking for a much more rich and detailed horizon view in your stunt racer games on your smartphone? Well then you have found your dream game. Extreme Roadtrip 2 has some very nice graphics with a very simple set of rules to play. Keep the wheels between you and the road or explode.

The twist to this game that separates it from some of it's similar counterparts is the tiered accelerator bars. You have your standard Red Barrels that give you fuel that keep you moving, then you have your blue NOS gained from doing stunts that give you an accelerated boost, and finally a flashy yellow rocket fuel that is hard to get, but really make you fly. Beyond that, the concept of gathering coins to get better vehicles is pretty simular to other stunt racer games out there.

Cam control is ok, and other then some ads at start up (mostly for other games) this game doesn't demand any more then what you want to put into it. Although sharing some of your details on Facebook is rewarded with coins that are a little harder to accumulate in this game then in others.

Recommendation - A little tougher to master then other Stunt Racer Games, but also offers a bit more longevity of play. If you like racer games but find you get bored with them easily, give this one a try.

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