Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Pudding Monsters

A Puzzle game with characters that have a familiar resemblance to our friends in the game 'Cut the Rope'. The graphics straddle a line of fruitcake that is passed over at the company Christmas party and one of the characters you would see in the 'Lilo and Stitch' cartoon. The bright and colorful play action and avatars will keep you giddy while the general grotesque nature of the concept will make you wince, resulting in a very comical expression.

Gameplay is pretty basic, and the game is pretty good at giving you a quick tutorial each time a new rule or piece is introduced, though you may find yourself flubbing a move once or twice as you learn to interpreted said clips

Recommendation: Try not to flick your finger on one of the ads on the screen, otherwise let yourself smirk and remember this game is about the funny little images first, and puzzle solving second.


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