Elite Games
The fusion of a chess move and a football score is actually not a horrible analogy for this game. You place arrange your pieces about the board and try and prevent the other team from running over your goal line. Not unlike one of Elite Games other products, Lair Defense.
In this variation you build what appear to be tiki huts and water fountains in order to stop your enemies from going all Al-Qaeda on your castle and blowing themselves up at your door. One big advancement from similar games is determining if your aptitude is as a wizard, paladin or barbarian as your avatar that dictates what style of play you can use (special skills, healing, or blunt force, respectively). This choice doesn't appear to determine what is available in the game so much as how effective each unit you place will be.
They try to cram a lot into the screen for each level, so I would recommend a decent sized tablet if you want to appreciate the detail work put into the graphics that seem to set Elite Games apart from some simpler strategy games. Game play is similar to other games from this developer as they try and get you hooked on the strategy but then crank it up dramatically at a few points to try and lure you into spending a few bucks on level ups to get you over the humps. Hmmm... That's not quit a limerick, better luck next time.
Recommendation: Give it a spin, but don't let it break up your attention on mastering your previously downloaded strategy games.